Wyre 1881 Census |
Address |
Name |
Rel | Age | Mar |
Occupation |
MS |
Where Born |
Old School |
Mary Sabiston |
Head |
57 |
W |
Farmer's Widow |
Rousay |
Alexander Sabiston |
Son |
21 |
U |
Invalid |
Rousay |
Rusness |
Head |
39 |
M |
Farmer of 48 Ac |
Margaret Wood |
Wife |
40 |
M |
Robertson |
Egilsay |
William Wood |
Son |
6 |
Scholar |
Mary Jane Wood |
Daur |
5 |
Scholar |
Isabella Garson |
Servant |
18 |
U |
General Servant |
Eday |
Rusness |
Margaret Wood |
Head |
30 |
U |
Dressmaker |
Hughina C Laughton |
Niece |
14 |
Scholar |
Linlithgow |
Onziebiest |
Head |
65 |
M |
Farmer of 96 Ac |
Mary Mainland |
Wife |
61 |
M |
Sinclair |
Rousay |
Janet Mainland |
Daur |
28 |
U |
John Mainland |
Son |
23 |
U |
Margaret Mainland |
Daur |
21 |
U |
John Mainland |
Grandson |
1 |
James Hutchison |
Son in Law |
55 |
W |
Farm Servant |
Evie |
Lydia A Hutchison |
Granddaur |
6 |
Scholar |
Mary Hutchison |
Granddaur |
3 |
Helziegatha |
Head |
35 |
M |
Farmer of 90 Ac |
Rousay |
Margaret Corsie |
Wife |
41 |
M |
Craigie |
Rousay |
Isabella Corsie |
Daur |
12 |
Scholar |
Rousay |
Mary Ann Corsie |
Daur |
10 |
Scholar |
Rousay |
John Corsie |
Son |
7 |
Scholar |
Rousay |
William Corsie |
Son |
5 |
Scholar |
Rousay |
James Corsie |
Son |
2 |
Rousay |
Hugh Corsie |
Son |
1 mth |
Rousay |
James Craigie |
Servant |
23 |
U |
Farm Servant |
Rousay |
Hellen Marwick |
Servant |
16 |
U |
General Servant |
Rousay |
Newhall |
Hugh Harrold |
Head |
57 |
M |
Grocer & Fish Curer |
Evie |
Margaret Harrold |
Wife |
57 |
M |
Mainland |
Rousay |
John Harrold |
Son |
22 |
U |
Cavit |
Magnus Mainland |
Head |
65 |
W |
Farmer of 70 Ac |
Son |
33 |
M |
Jane Mainland |
Daur in Law |
28 |
M |
Gibson |
Rousay |
Janet Mainland |
Daur |
25 |
U |
Mary Mainland |
Granddaur |
2 |
Ann Sabiston |
Servant |
24 |
U |
General Servant |
George Harrold |
Servant |
17 |
U |
Farm Servant |
Testaquoy |
John Mainland |
Head |
59 |
U |
Farmer of 107 Ac |
Ann Mainland |
Sister |
63 |
U |
Housekeeper |
Mary Gibson |
Sister |
69 |
W |
Housekeeper |
James Sabiston |
Servant |
24 |
U |
Farm Servant |
Jane Sabiston |
Servant |
22 |
U |
Domestic Servant |
Ann Sabiston |
Visitor |
18 |
U |
Dressmaker |
Testaquoy |
Isabella Mainland |
Head |
51 |
W |
Laundress |
Castelhall |
Head |
49 |
M |
Farmer of 100 Ac |
Margt R Wood |
Wife |
48 |
M |
Rousay |
Hugh Wood |
Son |
22 |
U |
David Wood |
Son |
19 |
U |
Maggie Wood |
Daur |
11 |
Scholar |
Robert Wood |
Son |
9 |
Scholar |
Jemima Wood |
Daur |
7 |
Scholar |
Samuel Wood |
Son |
5 |
Scholar |
Jane Harcus |
Servant |
16 |
U |
General Servant |
Rendall |
Charles Marwick |
Servant |
14 |
U |
Farm Servant |
Rousay |
Tonguday |
Head |
39 |
M |
Steamboat Engineer |
Rousay |
Ann Johnston |
Wife |
43 |
M |
Sabiston |
Rousay |
Hugh Johnston |
Son |
18 |
U |
Farm Servant |
Rousay |
Mary Ann Johnston |
Daur |
16 |
U |
Dressmaker |
Rousay |
John Johnston |
Son |
13 |
Scholar |
Rousay |
Aggie W Johnston |
Daur |
10 |
Scholar |
Rousay |
Sarah A Johnston |
Daur |
5 |
Scholar at Home |
Rousay |
Barbara Sabiston |
Mother in Law |
84 |
W |
Farmer's Widow |
Rousay |
James S Johnston |
Son |
2 mths |
The Bu |
Head |
26 |
M |
Farmer of 108 Ac |
Rousay |
Margaret Dunnet |
Servant |
27 |
U |
Dairymaid |
Shapinsay |
Mary Leonard |
Servant |
14 |
U |
Domestic Servant |
Rousay |
John Stevenson |
Servant |
22 |
U |
Farm Servant |
Rousay |
Hallbrake |
Head |
42 |
M |
Farmer of 65 Ac |
James Craigie |
Lodger |
18 |
U |
Teacher |
Rousay |
Margaret Mainland |
Wife |
34 |
M |
Mainland |
Annabella Mainland |
Daur |
11 |
Scholar |
William Mainland |
Son |
9 |
Scholar |
Janet Mainland |
Daur |
8 |
Scholar |
John Mainland |
Son |
6 |
Scholar |
James Mainland |
Son |
4 |
Scholar |
Magnus Mainland |
Son |
2 |
Margt H Mainland |
Daur |
9 mths |
James Mainland |
Father |
70 |
W |
Retired Farmer |
Home |