John Marwick
About Rousay

Robert C Marwick
This website
was designed by my uncle Robert C Marwick (RCM) to help those who
are seeking information about their ancestors who hailed from the
parish of Rousay in Orkney, Scotland. If you are looking for Rousay ancestors,
then this website is the place for you.
uncle's advancing years and a failing memory have made it
difficult for him to continue managing this website, so he has
passed it on to me, John Marwick. As its new owner I'll be
responsible for the maintenance of the site.
RCM was born and raised on the beautiful island of
Rousay, in Orkney, Scotland. Our family tree is firmly rooted in
Rousay as almost all our traceable forebears lived out their lives on
this island, earning their living by farming its land and fishing
the seas around it.
island of Rousay
and the small neighbouring islands of Egilsay, Wyre, and
Eynhallow, make up the Parish of Rousay. After RCM retired he
researched the histories of most of the old families in the
parish and published the results in a book called Rousay Roots which
ran to three editions but is now out of print. However, the
whole of its contents appear on this website along with a wealth of
material which does not appear in the book.
The information displayed on this site
includes -
a copy of RCM's book Rousay Roots which
contains the family
histories of most of the old families in the parish
censuses of the parish dating from 1841 to 1911
gravestone inscriptions from all seven cemeteries in the
a list of common surnames in the
lots of old
photographs from many families
of Orkney, Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre
to other sites of genealogical interest
Since this
website went online in 1998, RCM has received hundreds
of emails from residents in the UK, Canada, Australia, New
Zealand, the USA and South Africa seeking information about their
Rousay forebears. Many of them have followed up the
discovery of their ancestors with a visit to Orkney to see where
they had lived.
RCM has written two other books about Rousay
From My Rousay Schoolbag
covers the history of schooling
in the island from 1725 to the present day. It includes many
reminiscences by former pupils of their schooldays.
In Dreams We
Moor is an
affectionate look at the island of his birth.
Both books are
available from Brinnoven
the publisher.
John S Marwick
Banner photo -
Wasbister is bathed in the
warm glow of an Orkney sunset.
Photo shown here by
courtesy of Charles Tait and Alistair Marwick - "Saviskaill Bay and
Wasbister Loch from Innister, Rousay".
Photo copyright